
Thank you in advance for your generous support! The Foundation acknowledges all donations with a thank you/receipt as well as news to keep you informed of Foundation activities.

The Muhammad Subuh Foundation is registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in the United States. Any tax deduction will depend on the country in which you file taxes. US citizens are eligible for a tax deduction and will receive a tax receipt.

We will honor the wishes of all donors to ensure their support addresses the purpose for which it was intended and that they are within our mission. Your donation may be made in memory of a relative or friend who has passed on or as a gift marking a special event or celebration. We will recognize your designation in our newsletters as well as other communications to the Subud community. We also honor requests for anonymity.


MSF uses PayPal Platform to process online donations. It is a secure, convenient, international donation system. Choose the amount you wish to send and the program you wish to support.


Surface mail (only for donations in the US)

If you wish to make a larger donation (over $500) the transaction fee becomes more significant. Therefore, please consider surface mailing your donation in the form of a check. Checks in US dollars can be mailed to:


Muhammad Subuh Foundation
Lucian Parshall, Corporate Secretary
3332 Moraine Drive
Brighton, MI 48114

Wire transfer

You can send wire transfers in US dollars, Pounds Sterling, or Euros. Depending on the currency the funds go to different bank accounts.

If you wish to send a wire transfer, please contact Renato Sotelo, for the transaction codes at


Other gift options

Click here to read the full gifting options.

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Disclaimer: The material presented on the Muhammad Subuh Foundation web site is not offered as legal or tax advice. We recommend you seek the advice of your tax advisor, attorney, and/or financial planner to make certain your considered gift fits well with your overall circumstances and planning.